PetMenu™ App

Shopify Website Development

  • Website to support the launch of a new pet nutrition app
Visit the site

PetMenu™ is an innovative mobile app that takes the mystery out of pet nutrition, making it easy to create healthy homemade meals using fresh ingredients at a similar cost to processed pet food.


PetMenu™ are launching a new mobile app for pet owners that want to feed their pets a healthier diet, and needed a simple website to showcase what the app does, as well as attract investors and people willing to beta test the app.

Although the site didn't need to sell anything online initially, they had plans to introduce products (such as pet supplements) and services (such as individual health assessments) in the future so needed a platform that would support ecommerce.

Project Features

The website is a simple site built in the Shopify platform to showcase the brand story and features of the app and generate interest prior to launch.

The website includes a slideshow of app screens and a variety of contact forms to generate enquiries from different audiences.

The End Result

See the site at

If you have a dog and want to improve their health then why not sign-up to help test the app at