Shopify Website Development

Grow sales with the best website in your industry

Regular price $4,275
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 (Only $1,425 to get started)

Starter package includes:

  • Building your website plus training on using Shopify to manage it
  • 6 unique templates for home, products, collections, pages and blogs
  • Code customisation in 3 theme sections/blocks
  • Editing content you provide (except product descriptions)
  • Optimising homepage for search engines
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Real ecommerce success comes not from having a good website but from having the best website in your market. The best website usually makes the most sales.

I use Shopify because it's the world's leading ecommerce platform, and for good reason. It's very easy to manage, provides a great user-experience to customers, and it's almost infinitely customisable to suit the unique needs of your business.

Regardless of package level you'll get a site that looks amazing, built with care and attention to detail, and that encourages more customers to purchase. The difference between packages is about the number of different templates/layouts and the amount of customisation to create the right user experience to maximises sales.

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Website Packages


How many Templates do I need?

Usually you'll need a minimum of 5; including Homepage, Collection page (list of products), Product page, Contact page (which usually includes a contact form or map) and Standard pages (such as About Us).

If your site needs a Blog then you'll need 2 extra templates (one for a list of posts, and for an individual post). Blogs are typically used for things like news articles, but they can also a good way to organise other content. For example your "blog" could be an Our Team page where each person's picture and bio is a blog post, and the Blog page is a summary of the team members.

More complex sites often need multiple product or collection templates, especially if products need different sets of content or purchase options are different. For example you might have some products where you want people to submit an enquiry rather than add-to-cart. Or some products might need lots of supporting content (like size charts, warranty details, "how to choose") that isn't relevant to others. The same goes for collections. In this case it's best to have different templates and choose which template you want each product or collection to use.

Fee free to contact me so I can give you some guidance on this.

What are Custom Sections/Blocks?

Shopify themes come with a range of different "Sections" for displaying different types of content (such as a row of products, an image slideshow, a row of blog posts, or a section of text). Blocks are the elements inside these Sections.

Often the standard sections and blocks included in your theme will meet most needs, but sometimes they won't work exactly how you'd like then to. A common example is a "complementary" or "add-on" product displayed on product pages. Suppose you want customers to be able to click one button and add both products to the cart together? Or let's say you have a row of blog posts on a page but instead of the three most recent you only want to show posts that have a certain tag? Customisation of the theme code is usually needed to achieve these type of features.

Each business has unique needs and pre-built themes (either free or paid) don't accommodate every situation. Customisation can be used to achieve the perfect user-experience for your type of business and products, leading to higher conversion rates or average order values.

Who adds the products to the site?

Normally clients are responsible for adding products (and product variants) to Shopify; and the project includes training for you or your team on how to do it. Therefore the number of products doesn't affect the cost of the website development.

If you have an existing Shopify site (of any age) then there's no need to re-add the products. If don't have an existing site or your site is built in a different platform (e.g. Wordpress, Wix, Squarespace) then products need to be added to Shopify.

If you have hundreds or thousands of products there are tools that can be used to import them to speed up the process, but getting an import to work successfully can be tricky and it usually isn't worth it for smaller numbers of products - it's often quicker to manually add each one.

If products need to be added and you don't have time to do it then I can do it for you at additional cost (which would depend on the number of products and product variants).

Are Add-on Apps Included?

I try not to add third-party Apps to a store unless it's really necessary. Apps add extra code to your site that can slow it down (and a fast-loading site is always better for good Google ranking). For simple features like displaying upgrade or add-on products customising the theme code can be a better approach.

However some App functionality would be hard to recreate quickly through customisation. If you need customers to book a service or reserve a rental product you'll need an App added for that. Or if customers need to schedule the delivery/pickup date and time and block-off certain days adding an App is best. Apps are also good for including Google/FB reviews in pages or an Instagram feed.

There is no limit on the number of Apps. Generally simple sites need fewer Apps and more complex sites need more.

Most Apps have free versions and paid versions. If your site needs an App I always try to use free versions where possible. If you need the features of the paid version there are monthly subscriptions for these which you would pay directly.

How Much SEO Is Included?

There are two parts to SEO: "On-Page", which is about optimising your website, and "Off-Page", which is about building the reputation of your domain name elsewhere.

On-Page SEO is included in website packages but Off-Page SEO is not.

On-Page SEO involves crafting the right page titles, descriptions, headings and body content to focus on your target keywords, as well as making sure there is enough content on key pages (because search engines give preference to longer content).

Off-Page SEO involves listing your business in online directories, optimising Google and Bing profiles, posting blog articles that link back to your website pages, sharing videos that link back to your site, and posting updates to your social media channels. Off-Page SEO is available as an add-on service to your website package.

Starter packages focus on achieving good ranking for your business category keywords (e.g. "florist") in your target geographic area. The Hero packages additionally focuses on keywords for your main product categories (e.g. "valentine's day flowers"). The Superhero package goes deeper, and focuses on keywords for popular products too (e.g. "dozen red roses"). The more keywords you rank well for in search then the more traffic this will drive to your site.

What training on Shopify is included?

I used to include an online training session with website projects to show clients how to add/edit products and properly manage their sites. However I found that by the time they needed to change something people had usually forgotten the training sessions.

Instead of training I provide all website clients with a detailed and user-friendly instruction manual that covers the aspects of product and website management they are likely to need. Everyone seems to prefer this because they have a document they can refer to when it's time to update something. The instruction manual is a 20-30 page document that's personalised for each client, complete with screenshots and examples from their own site.

Service Questions


What can I expect in terms of quality?

I'm quite OCD and like everything to be perfect. If something is a pixel out of place it bothers me. I have next-level attention to detail and I'll spot the little things that need to be fixed that you probably didn't even notice. Even if your website is at the simpler end of the scale in terms of features and customisation it will still look perfect.

Do I get mock-ups or documents first?

No. Some web designers and agencies start by creating lots of documents, style guides, "customer personas" or "buyer journey maps" before building anything but this is usually done to justify a higher fee. I have enough experience and insight that I don't need those to guide me. I prefer to get stuck in to building the site and make adjustments along the way.

After discussing the requirements (your target market, product range and colour/style preferences) I'll help you choose a suitable Shopify Theme. I'll then create a Draft site using that theme and start customising style, colours, fonts. I'll give you access to the site in "preview" mode so you can follow the progress in real time and provide feedback as I go.

Most web designers start with the homepage but I prefer to work backwards. I start by creating product pages, then Collection (product category) pages and then the homepage last. For ecommerce sites it's a better approach because the product pages are the most important (and often the most feature-rich) in terms of persuading people to buy and, by the time I get to the homepage, we'll both usually have a much clearer vision of what needs to be on it to draw people towards the products.

How long will the project take?

Usually anything from 2 weeks to 2 months depending on the complexity of the site (especially the level of customisation) and also how quickly you send me things I need and provide feedback. One month from start to finish is usually the average.

I don't take on lots of projects at once. I prefer to focus solidly on each website until it's complete, rather than juggling multiple clients. This means if I'm already busy you might need to wait for me to start, but it also means there won't be long pauses while I'm busy with other projects.

Will I get to see interim progress?

Yes, you'll have access to the site in "preview" mode from the start and will be able to see exactly where I'm up to in real-time. It's the most transparent approach and much better than emails promising "we're making progress and will be able to show you something soon".

You're welcome to send me any feedback on what you can see as we go. I'll keep you updated on things I haven't worked on yet, so that you aren't sending me feedback on things I already know aren't complete.

I create checklists of everything that I need to do or change during website projects and I'm happy to share those with you to via Google docs or other tools so you can see what's complete and what isn't.

How involved will I need to be?

If you have strong opinions on how things should look then I'm happy to accommodate. The goal is to make sure you're happy and get good value. If I think something you asked for is a terrible idea and won't get you the best results then I'll be honest and say so; but ultimately it's your business and your website.

I'll need things from you like product images, descriptions and other content so you do need to be involved in the project. I find the projects where clients are actively involved do generate the best end results. If writing isn't your thing that's okay - you're the subject matter expert so I definitely need your input - but I'm happy to edit content you give me and make it sound customer-friendly.

Money Questions


Do I have to pay everything up-front?

No, the usual payment schedule is one-third up front, one-third part way through, and one-third when the site is complete, fully tested, and ready to go live. If you're ready to get started you can buy my website packages online. You'll only pay one-third of the price now and I'll invoice you for the remaining amounts later. If you want to discuss a different schedule please feel free to contact me .

Are there ongoing fees too?

Not from me. I don't charge maintenance or other ongoing fees. I make sure clients are able to update their own sites by storing content in places where it's easy to edit, and not "hard-coding" it inside theme templates/code where you need a developer to update it.

Shopify will charge you plan fees (about US$40 per month for the basic plan) plus subscriptions for any premium versions of Apps that need to be added (but I try to avoid adding Apps unless it's essential, and use free versions wherever possible).

The only time I charge additional fees is when you add extra services (like an SEO package), or for adding your products into Shopify if you don't want to do this yourself.

Do I have to buy a Theme?

Shopify offers free themes and paid themes. Paid themes generally cost around US$400. The advantage of a paid theme is that you get extra features and it looks a lot more "designed" right from the start.

All themes (whether free or paid) can be infinitely customised in terms of layout, colours, fonts and style of different elements. This customisation is included in all website packages.

Paid Themes are great if you're building a site yourself because, as long as you're happy with how everything looks "out of the box", then you don't need to do much in the way of customisation.

When I build Shopify sites for clients I find that, even when using a paid theme, I still end up customising it to fit a client's branding and unique business needs. Customising a paid theme extensively can sometimes seem like a waste of money. However if a paid theme gives you important features that couldn't easily be recreated then it can be worthwhile.

This is something I'll give you advice on after finding out more about your needs. If you do choose a paid theme this would be an additional cost.

What if I find issues after we go live?

I provide a 30 day warranty period after the site goes live. If you happen to spot anything that isn't working correctly during that period I'll fix it right away for free.

After 30 days if anything needs to be changed or you want new features added I'm happy to do these at additional cost.

What if I still have more questions?

Just visit my Contact Page where you can use the contact form to ask me any questions. I'll get back to you promptly.